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New dashboard, custom share image and more...

Release Notes

New: A brand new dashboard experience gives you great control over what is happening on your board. You can check all latest activity, ageing ideas, unprioritized ideas, Announcement stats and more.


Admin Dashboard Updates

Potential new dashboard features. Easily see whatโ€™s been happening on my board since I last logged in. Stats Number of ideas this week. Votes this week Basic visitor analytics Total tracked Users Top Users. See when someone has tagged me in a note. Install widget code. See how many ideas I have left. See how many ideas Iโ€™ve shipped See how many people viewed an Announcement Know what plan Iโ€™m on. Ageing Ideas Approve ideas if Pre-Approve turned on. (Unbuilt Privacy feature) Get alerted to new Frill features. Assigns tasks / ideas to my teams mates Add Integrations Install widget code

Mike Hill
Shipped ๐Ÿš€


New: Upload a custom share image for when you share your board on Facebook or Twitter.


Social sharing settings (Image + Text)

Would be really useful if I could define the text, description and image that are referenced when I share my Frill links anywhere.

Andrew V
Shipped ๐Ÿš€


New: We have added a new role for team mates. "Viewers" can see all internl notes and ideas, but don't have editing powers.


Teammate: View only permissions

As our organization adopts Frill, we want to grant certain users the ability to view private ideas (and private topics) without also granting them administrator access. Specifically our use case is for tracking certain ideas that are either internal only or ideas that are associated to a client specific opportunity. This will allow us to set our employees as this new role or granting this new ability while leaving clients at the default level so they can not see the private ideas.

Zach P
Shipped ๐Ÿš€



  • Added a 'Blocked" tag to easier identify blocked tracked users.
  • Added setting to hide Log in & Sign up buttons in header (available with the Privacy Add-on).
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  • Fixed loom video embed aspect ratio in announcements
  • Fixed window scroll bug with modal boosted announcements
