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Features, Fixes & Release Notes

Release Notes

ICYMI, here's a roundup of the big and small things we've released recently...

Big ones:

  • Private Topics
  • New dashboard experience
  • Drag and drop Roadmap
  • Idea polls and review widget Beta (Yes, we know you are excited about this one!)

Little ones:

  • Added setting to hide login buttons
  • Custom social share image
  • Added block company follower
  • Added priority score display types (e.g. quadrant label)
  • Added new admin emails for idea and user approval, mentioned in a private note
  • Added new Idea activity feed events for priority scores and idea approval

Improvements & Fixes:

  • Added canonical URLs for Ideas (SSO)
  • Hide idea follow button for guests
  • Fixed editor publish and scheduling
  • Fixed editor cross-browser selection issues
  • Fixed editor video aspect ratios
  • Fixed editor code block wrapping